How do I play the downloaded videos on my computer?


Last Update 3 ani în urmă

Our courses all come compressed as *.zip files.

To download them, just click the blue link, or right-click and choose "Save link as..."

When the download completes, the file should be where you specified, or your "Downloads" folder by default.

You now need to unzip it using extraction software. If you don't already have this, there are a lot of free options here.

If you are on a Mac, we recommend using "unarchiver for mac" as it is actually from Apple.

If you are on Windows, 7-Zip works well with our files. If you are using Windows 10, we highly recommend 7-Zip because Windows 10's extractor has problems with longer file names.

Once the extraction software is installed, just double-click the *.zip file and the folder should be extracted automatically in the same spot. (If not, right-click, highlight 'open with', and select your extraction software from the list).

Once the folder is extracted, open the folder, and inside you will find the video files of the DVD content (as *.mp4) as well as any subfolders that contain the PDF summaries and the PGNs for games analyzed (as *.txts), if these are included in the course.

To play the videos, simply double-click the *.mp4 files, and a video player should open automatically. If your default player does not work, try using the free VLC player.

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